Building Academy



The Schinkelsche Bauakademie looks back on an eventful history. Built between 1832-1836 by Karl Friedrich Schinkel, burned out and damaged in the Second World War, it was finally demolished in March 1962 after initial plans for reconstruction and replaced by the new building of the DDR Ministry of Foreign Affairs. After this building was also demolished in the mid-1990s, the site is now due for redevelopment. The project is based on the results of this year’s archaeological excavation in the area of the ‘Bauakademie’. Foundations and remains of the basement were uncovered and around 800 facade parts were found over an area of 200m² – we’ll take you on a tour of the excavation site!

Authors: Maria Seifert, Kersten Schüßler

camera: Ulf Behrens

editing: Kornelius Glaser